How fast can I get a dispatch setup?
Just provide these documents; your W-9, your MC authority paper, a copy of your proof of insurance, filled and signed copy of the service agreement, filled and signed copy of the dispatch agreement, and a filled and signed copy of the credit card authorization form. Once these are provided you are good to go immediately.
If I use Premier Dispatch Service which areas will I be able to access?
We cover all 48 states, so we depend entirely on you to specify the regions you wish to go to. Like we said, you are the boss.
Is there a limit to the amount of time I have to be on the road?
Absolutely not. You get to decide how long you want to remain on the road. You simply have to tell us.
On average what rates can I get?
Average rates will depend entirely on the amount of loads and other factors like route type, weather conditions, etc.
What if I specify a region, or tell you where I don’t want to go to?
Sure. Again, that is completely your own choice. You can select states and regions which you will or will not go to pick up loads or deliver loads at.
How can I pay for your services?
You can easily pay via your credit or debit card. We even setup weekly payment system for our recurrent clients to simplify everything.
Do you charge as a percentage of the total load carried, or is there a fixed service fee?
You get to keep 100% of the amount earned. Our services charges are fixed.
What is the process through which I will receive the payment?
You will be directly billing and receiving the payment from the brokers. You get payments faster using factoring and we will provide credit check services.
Does my company have to meet specific requirements?
The only requirement is that you should be licensed and have an insurance certificate.
Do you deal with specific vehicles?
While dry freight van is our specialty, we provide dispatch services for all sorts of vehicles.